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Ever Ellis

Ever Ellis Giftable Goods

Ever Ellis (now known as Totalee Gift) is a business-to-business wholesaler offering everyday gifting essentials such as candles, tote bags, and apparel. The brand sells to over 2000 retailers and boutiques across the US. In my role as Digital Strategist, I oversaw all aspects of the brand’s online presence, which included web, email marketing, social media.


Social Media

Instagram + Facebook

One of my top priorities in managing Ever Ellis’s social media was consistency and quality. I achieved this through a profile rebrand, developing and maintaining a cohesive visual voice, and consistently pushing regularly scheduled content with automation platforms such as Hootsuite and Planoly. In my first 2 months of managing Ever Ellis’s Instagram, I increased our profile visits from 100 users per week to over 1500.

Email Marketing


Our primary goal for email marketing was to push more users to the website and generate sales. Often the emails focused on sales and promotions, but we also used these for product sneak peeks and trade show events. I created the visual and written content, designed the layout, and then tracked the campaign’s performance within Mailchimp among the different segments in our mailing list.

Website + SEO


I took on the role of optimizing the e-commerce website’s content as well as images, PLP’s, PDP’s, product attributes, and price cart rules. I monitored Google My Business, Google Analytics, and Search Console to better understand how users found and interacted with the site. My team added a 20% off incentive for newsletter subscribers and automated the account approval process to eliminate friction and increase conversions.