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Field of Dreams

DEKALB x MLB at Field of Dreams

The Corn in America’s Most Iconic Backyard

The Field of Dreams movie site is surrounded by a working corn farm operated by the Rahe brothers, longtime farmers of DEKALB® brand corn. In 2022, a rare opportunity came to DEKALB: a partnership with Major League Baseball as the Official Corn Seed of MLB at Field of Dreams. It was a chance to share the most famous corn in the world with a wider audience, to instill pride among farmers and to bring DEKALB’s “Winning Has Roots” campaign to life during one of the most anticipated games in baseball.

Strategy Overview

The Goal

Increase visibility of the DEKALB brand and build affinity among farmers.

The Situation

DEKALB corn seed has a strong heritage of consistent, winning performance with industry-leading genetics and innovation. However, there’s one claim that DEKALB has never been able to make compared to the competition: American heritage.


Put real farmers in the spotlight during one of the most anticipated MLB games of the year to instill pride and connect the DEKALB brand with America’s pastime in America’s heartland.

Anthem Video / TV Spot (:30)

Tactical Approach

  • Broadcast TV (Regional)

  • Paid + Organic Social

  • YouTube

  • Out of Home

  • In-Game Signage

  • VIP Customer Events

  • On-Site Experiential Booth

  • PR / Earned Media

The Rahe Brothers

Back in 1988, Andy, Aaron and Adam Rahe were just a couple of kids living on a farm in Dyersville, Iowa. That summer, they got to witness the magic of movie making for one of America’s most iconic films in their backyard: Field of Dreams.

Since then, the brothers have continued to farm the most famous and iconic cornfield in America. Without sponsorships or incentives, the Rahes have continued to plant the corn they think is, by far, the best for that field — DEKALB.

Campaign Performance


411 Impressions
13 Markets


2,000 Landing Page Views
3:16 Average Time on Site


597K Impressions
124K Video Views
27K Engagements


7,800 Game Attendees
3.1M Broadcast Viewers

PR / Media Coverage

248 Earned Media Pickups
630+ Radio Stations
201M Earned Impressions


518 Participants
275 Video Shares

VIP EventS

110 DEKALB VIP Guests


5,000 Ears Distributed

What We Heard

“The appreciation for clients is something DEKALB/Asgrow® has always done 100x better than the other brands. Thank you for the privilege and opportunity to attend the Field of Dreams Game”
— DEKALB Customer
“This was special. I’ve seen and been to some pretty awesome stuff, but nothing like this. There were times on the trip I just wanted to cry. That’s how moving the whole experience was.”
— DEKALB Customer