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Arkus Daily Product Launch

The elusive “dog parent” segment isn’t the easiest to win over, especially if you’re a startup with a product that might intimidate the average owner. Arkus Daily by Native Microbials is the first-ever canine digestive supplement made of microbes harvested from the gut of healthy canines (which is kind of weird…also kind of cool). As an online direct-to-consumer brand, Arkus also has the added challenge of capturing customers before they buy a probiotic from their local vet’s office or pet store. Without big-name brand equity or an offline distribution strategy, Arkus needed to find another way to steal market share from the Goliath of dog probiotics: Purina.

Launch Campaign

Campaign Results

31M Impressions

38K Clicks

Tactical Approach

  • Programmatic Display

  • Native Display

  • Paid Search

  • Amazon Sponsored Listings

  • Google Shopping Ads

  • Organic social

Strategy Overview

The Situation

Arkus wants to disrupt the dog supplement category with its revolutionary science, but the average owner could care less. They just need a product that gets the job done.

The Goal

Get more owners to believe Arkus is the best choice for their dog and purchase the product.


Arkus’s product delivers the same result as the other guys: better gut health. The brand can’t hang its hat on effectiveness, safety, all-naturalness, or value because every competitor fights over the same selling points.


Brands claim to have cracked the code on canine gut health, yet they pack their products with microbes that don’t have anything to do with the canine microbiome (e.g., lactobacillus, bread yeast, etc.).


Arkus is the first and only product made from microbes native to healthy canines—two of which can’t be found from any other source.


Prove that Arkus offers the best support for their dog’s gut because it’s quite literally made from a dog’s gut.

Messaging Strategy

Packaging Redesign

When Arkus moved from a direct mailer to a shelf-friendly box, it was an opportunity to make a stronger impression and create a better product experience. Not only did we need to reconsider the look and feel, but we also needed to account for the role the packaging plays at different points in the discovery and usage cycle.