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Discover Dunwoody

Consider it Dunwoody

Discover Dunwoody had been a long-time tourism client of Osborn Barr Paramore, primarily focused on attracting leisure visitors to their community. As a city-level destination marketing organization, Discover Dunwoody relies on tourism-generated hotel tax revenue to fund its marketing. However, when COVID-19 hit, Dunwoody hotels lost their most profitable segment: business travelers. In the spring of 2021, OBP partnered with Discover Dunwoody to set the destination up for a strong recovery. Knowing that business travel was bound to return at some point, we recommended a campaign targeting meeting planners so that Dunwoody could get in front of the competition at a time when DMO budgets were down. After hours of research, multiple rounds of interviews, and weeks of creative concepting, the Consider it Dunwoody campaign was born. This campaign would serve as Discover Dunwoody’s first integrated, multi-channel campaign operating under one unified creative idea. In my role as the strategist on the account, I worked on the upfront research, creative brief, and communications strategy that set the course for the campaign.

Strategy Overview

The Situation

COVID-19 brought business travel to a standstill. Dunwoody hotels are struggling to keep the lights on because their corporate meetings and events revenue vanished almost overnight. To set itself up for a strong recovery, Discover Dunwoody needs to get in front of planners and in their consideration set. That way, when planners start booking again, Dunwoody will be the first place that comes to mind.

The Goal

Get business meeting and conference planners to see Dunwoody as the most attractive suburban destination in the Southeast.


Dunwoody is one of many similarly sized and equipped destinations competing for Atlanta’s leftovers.


Planning corporate meetings and events is next to impossible, yet planners are expected to do it perfectly. They desperately need help, but rarely trust those who offer it.


Dunwoody hoteliers are hungrier than ever for meetings and conferences. They have the passion and expertise to set planners up for success.


Build trust by showcasing Dunwoody hotels making the seemingly impossible, easily possible.

Tactical Approach

  • Online Video / Pre-roll

  • Paid Social

  • Programmatic Display

  • Email

  • Paid Search


Planning Approach

We sat down (virtually) with meeting and event planners to get a look inside their heads. Our discussions included:

  • Hotels & venue selection criteria

  • Client dynamics

  • Planning process & pain points

  • Vendor interactions

  • COVID-19 industry impact

9 Interview Subjects
7+ Hours of Conversation