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Yelp Nashville Campaign

Yelp came to OBP with a problem: they were struggling to attract businesses outside of the restaurant category which was limiting their brand perception and hurting their bottom line. They needed a new approach to motivate other types of businesses to claim their page. We partnered with Yelp to create their first multi-touch campaign and create a blueprint for future DMA expansions. By optimizing and comparing performance to control markets, we were able to identify top-performing channels and creative. In my role as the strategist on this account, I worked with the team to craft the upfront strategy, identify the comms tasks and barriers, brief the creative team and monitor effectiveness.

Strategy Overview

The Situation

Yelp’s brand is strongly associated with restaurants and reviews, but they generate most of their revenue from other categories, such as home repair, automotive, beauty salons, and professional services.

The Goal

Increase the number of claimed listings for businesses outside of the restaurant category.


Yelp isn’t the first platform that comes to mind for these segments. The majority assume it’s just for restaurant reviews. Many don’t see its relevance as a marketing platform that can reach their specific audience.


Business owners can’t afford to invest time and money in every marketing platform, but they have major FOMO when it comes to getting in front of more customers.


When people search for businesses on Yelp, they’re looking with the intent to spend right now. If a business is not on Yelp, they’re missing out on business.


Intensify FOMO among business owners by showing the relevant searches they would miss out on by not being on Yelp.

Campaign Results

33.7M Impressions

145K Clicks

+42% Claims YoY

Tactical Approach

  • Broadcast TV & Radio

  • Paid Social

  • Native + Display

  • Out of Home

  • Paid Search

  • Direct Mail

  • PR/Earned

  • Influencer Partnerships